Поппури из советских песен на идише - Псой Короленко

Описание к видео Поппури из советских песен на идише - Псой Короленко

Кирьят Арба
1) What does the Motherland start with? by V.Basner & M. Matusovsky; 2)
Camomiles by E. Ptichkin & I. Shaferan; 3) Moments (Do not treat the
seconds with disdain) by M. Tariverdiyev & R. Rozhdestvensky; 4) The song
of the baby-racoon by V. Shayinsky & Y. Entin; 5) My address is the Soviet
Union by I. Kharitonov & D.Tukhmanov. The audience is absolutely
comfortable - they are from Israel and they do understand jokes which is
confirmed by laughter and applauses. Regards from Moscow!


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